The Art of Repentance

Jun 29, 2024    Thailer Jimerson

A sermon about what repentance looks like, exploring the questions like "Why do people repent?" and "How much do people actually need to repent?"


Series Preview

1.Who is Jonah?

2.See Jonah Run

3.Holy Envy

4.Whale Spit Monologues

5.Art of Repentance

6.“Who Knows?”

7.Jonah and the Worm

8.Who is God?


Scripture: Jonah 3.1-10

(Additional Reading: Jeremiah 5.1-3; Isaiah 1.15-16; Jeremiah 34.8-17; James 1.22-23; Amos 5.14-15).

a description

a picture


a dangerous word

“We do not have to discover the world of faith; we only have to recover it. It is not a terra incognita, an unknown land; it is a forgotten land, and our relation to God is a palimpsest rather than a tabula rasa. The Hebrew word for repentance, teshuvah, means return. Yet it also means answer. 

Return to God is an answer to Him. For God is not silent.”

- Abraham Joshua Heschel -