Consumed By Worship

May 28, 2023    Thailer Jimerson

How we tell a story matters. Like when telling a story about two well-meaning guys offering worship who happened to get nuked for their mistake by a capricious god.

In this morning's sermon, we're going to re-examine a bible story well known in these parts, mainly for the monitory lesson it instills about the dangers of going astray when conducting worship. The problem with these stories is that they have the potential to instill an unbiblical fear in an unbiblical view of God. And what's worse, they're told in an unbiblical way.

Question. How might placing the story back into its context shift the way we view wrong, God, and ourselves? What happens when we learn about the other place Nadab and Abihu are mentioned? Or about God's first words to Aaron after the mishap? Or about Aaron's other sons?

If we're not careful, this story could lead to people being consumed over matters of worship for generations.

For info, see the sermon outline attached below.