God is a Teacher

Mar 17, 2024    Thailer Jimerson

A sermon about who Jesus was and what he calls us to be. How can we capture the vision to be a school of disciples who help break open the word to the community?

Scripture: Matthew 11.25-30

(Additional Reading: Matthew 10.24-25; Luke 6.39-40; Hebrews 5.11-14; 2 Corinthians 10.3-5; Psalm 32.8-9).

what is Jesus calling us to?

why teach?

(Four Reasons)

“Irrefutably, indestructibly, never wearied by time, the Bible wanders through the ages, giving itself with ease to all men, as if it belonged to every soul on earth. It speaks in every language and in every age….Though its words seem plain and its idiom translucent, unnoticed meanings, undreamed of intimations break forth constantly. More than two thousand years of reading and research have not succeeded in exploring its full meaning. Today it is as if it had never been touched, never been seen, as if we had not even begun to read it. Its spirit is too much for one generation to bear. Its words reveal more than we can absorb.”

- Abraham Joshua Heschel -