The Second Is Like It

Feb 23, 2024    Thailer Jimerson

This sermon is the second part to the Greatest Commands mini-series we've had in line with The Hagah Cards. Not only will we discuss three practical steps toward loving our enemies and analyze the passage Jesus quoted from Leviticus 19.17-18, but we'll meditate on that specific phrase "the second is like it" and all that it might mean.

Scripture: Leviticus 19.17-18

(Additional Reading: Mark 12.29-30; Matthew 22.37; Galatians 5.15; 1 Peter 4.8; 1 John 3.11; James 2.8; Romans 13.8-10; Matthew 5.43-45; Luke 10.25-37).


first, a weird question: why is Genesis 36 in the Bible?

the second Greatest Command

three (not-so-easy) steps to transform any enemy

         First, just don’t _______

         Second, try __________

         Third, start _________

"We must never be oblivious of the equality of the divine dignity of all men. The image of God is in the criminal as well as in the saint.... The basic dignity of man is not made up of his achievements, virtues, or special talents. It is inherent in his very being. The commandment "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Leviticus 19:18) calls upon us to love not only the virtuous and the wise but also the vicious and the stupid man.... The image-love is a love of what God loves, an act of sympathy, of participation in God's love. It is unconditional and regardless of man's merits or distinctions." (Abraham Joshua Heschel)