Sought & Seeking

Dec 6, 2024    Thailer Jimerson

There is a growing interest in spiritual things today. And sometimes that means turning to unusual or unconventional means to find truth and meaning. We see the same in our story today of the next "witnesses to wonder": the magi. Who were they? What do they teach us about God and how to find him?

Scripture: Matthew 2.1-12

(Additional Reading: Isaiah 60.3-6; Numbers 24.15-18; Hebrews 1.1-4; Romans 6.23; Matthew 1.23, 28.20)


Can you think of a time you were looking for something significant?

Turn the Text:

Who Are the Magi?

God Rhymes

Gift of the Magi

“Seek not in courts, nor palaces, Nor royal curtains draw;

But search the stable, see your God, Extended on the straw.”

- William Billings -